Welcome to our December ADASS East newsletter
You will receive this newsletter whenever we have important news and updates to share. Here you will find updates about the Sector Led Improvement Programme, upcoming events, best practice examples and any changes in practice and policy relevant to the region.
Regional Building Positive Futures Programme update
We would like to let you know about the forthcoming 2 hour virtual learning sets which are part of the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme. The sessions are open to all staff and are paid for as part of regional Sector Led Improvement Programme and are aimed at growing community based innovations and improving personalisation across the region. To date, the sessions have been well received and well attended, all we ask is that if you attend, you champion the learning in your local area and feedback on how this has made a difference.
The sessions next year are as follows:
12th January 2022, 11am until 1pm - ALG17 Support Brokerage with Imagineer
3rd February 2022, 11am until 1pm - ALG18 HomeShare and SharedLives Plus
2nd March 2022, 10am - 12 noon - ALG19 Buurtzorg with Public World
13th April 2022, 10am - 12 noon - ALG20 Putting Individual Service Funds into practice in Oldham with KeyRing and Self Directed Support Futures
19th May 2022, 10am until 12 noon - ALG21 Personalised Care and support people with Dementia, NHSE/NHSI
Further sessions will be advertised via the Personalisation and Prevention Network leads as they are arranged.
If you would like to attend any of the above, please contact natasha.eastsli@gmail.com with your name, job title, local authority, the session you wish to attend and your email address. Microsoft Teams links usually come out a couple of weeks beforehand.
Preparation for Regional Assurance
We are working with Directors and Senior Managers to ensure we are as prepared for the reforms and the regional assurance process coming into play in April 2023. As well as targeted work with the networks, from January, we will be setting up a Task and Finish Group with Assistant Directors (via the regional AD Forum) to plan next steps.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Further to the above improvement work, our Regional Sector Led Improvement Team would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have really appreciated your support during such a difficult and challenging couple of years. Without the Networks and co-operation of staff across the region, we would not be able to respond to our commitment to connect, innovate and improve so a big thank you to each and every one of you.
Thanks for reading. We will be in touch again soon.
East of England Regional Sector Led Improvement Team