Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Eastern Region. Connecting, innovating. improving
Hi subscriber,

Welcome to the October 2022 newsletter
You will receive this newsletter whenever we have important news and updates to share. Here you will find updates about the Sector Led Improvement Programme, upcoming events, best practice examples and any changes in practice and policy relevant to the region.

Regional events
We are excited to share with you, a number of forthcoming regional events facilitated by people with lived experience coming up which we would like you to come to and disseminate to other people, including people who access care and support, families and carers as well as providers. The events are open to anyone who is interested in influencing work and improving outcomes across the East of England.

Annual Carers Event: Virtual East of England Carers Event - The Importance of Connection, Purpose and Meaning - EELGA

MH Event - Whose safety is it anyway: ADASS East Mental Health Network - "Whose safety is it anyway?" Tickets, Mon 14 Nov 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite

Over a Brew: Meeting Registration - Zoom

Please particularly note our new "Over a Brew" co-production sessions, which have been set up to build change into our regional activity. For more information about "Over a Brew" please see the following page with a video explaining what the sessions are set out to achieve: Over a Brew virtual coffee sessions – Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Eastern Region (

We will be reviewing our approach to co-production after a 6-month period to ensure we are learning as much as we can and that something is happening as a result of our work together.

Preparation for Regional Assurance
We have seen the White Paper on Reform - People at the Heart of Care and Social Care Integration Paper

We are working with Directors and Senior Managers to ensure we are prepared for the reforms and the regional assurance process coming into play in April 2023. As well as targeted work with regional networks, we have established a regional assurance peer group. If you would like to join the peer group, please email: who will add you to the group and send through invites.

We continue to deliver mock peer reviews in partnership with the Local Government Association, so far Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (3 local authorities) have had mock peer reviews with five more to follow.

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme update
The latest Building Positive Futures Programme took place on the 26th September 2022 and was facilitated by TLAP and focused on what work had happened since the region signed up to the Making It Real Framework.

Some bite sized videos will be out very soon describing how Cambridgeshire/Peterborough, Hertfordshire and Norfolk are embedding the TLAP Making It Real I/We Statements into their local work. Please watch out for these on our video page of which we continue to add to: Videos – Association of Directors of Adult

Recent publications
We have published a few reports since we sent out the last newsletter which may interest you, all of these can be found on the "Publications on a page document for 2022". This includes recent work in relation to "Market Priorities"; "Putting people at the heart of new housing development" and the yearly "What we are proud of" document which contains many emerging practice examples that we can all learn from. Please see here for further details: Resources – Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Eastern Region (

Farewell but not goodbye
We say a farewell to Lisa Seal who supported the regional SLI team with business administration over the last few years and would like to thank Lisa for her commitment and hard work. Don't worry, Lisa is not leaving the region and continues to work in Essex so we feel sure many of you will link up with her again in your wider work!

We welcome, Harriet Texeira who has joined us and will take up the reigns from Lisa. Harriet can be reached on the generic email below or at

Thanks for reading. We will be in touch again soon.

East of England Regional Sector Led Improvement Team
Contact details:
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