Welcome to the first ADASS East newsletter
You will receive this newsletter whenever we have important news and updates to share. Here you will find updates about the Sector Led Improvement Programme, upcoming events, best practice examples and any changes in practice and policy relevant to the region.
When was the website launched?
The website was softly launched on the 1st October 2021 with an email to each network member asking you to individually subscribe to the newsletter and to access a login, through the forgotten/lost password function.
What’s the website intended for?
It is intended to be a place to go for anything in relation to regional improvement work and we hope it will stop some of the email traffic, such as big files when links could be sent onto you instead.
Who do I contact if I wish to add things to the pages?
In the first instance, please contact your appropriate network chair.
Who do I contact if I have problems accessing the website and can’t login? And who can I contact if I have some feedback about the site?
Thanks for reading. We will be in touch again soon.
East of England Regional Sector Led Improvement Team