Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Eastern Region. Connecting, innovating. improving
Hi subscriber,

Welcome to our second ADASS East newsletter

You will receive this newsletter whenever we have important news and updates to share. Here you will find updates about the Sector Led Improvement Programme, upcoming events, best practice examples and any changes in practice and policy relevant to the region.

What are the latest available practice examples?

Emerging and changing practice reports for 2021 on one page
We held our Regional Sector Led Improvement yearly challenge event on the 1st October and following this we launched a suite of emerging and changing practice reports on one page. Please see the following link and click on the images to see the reports in more detail: 2021 Emerging and Changing Practice Reports on one page

Impact of COVID legacy report
The Regional Sector Led Improvement Programme commissioned a report which outlined the implications of COVID on the Social Care Sector. See the link for more details: The legacy of COVID Report (Oct 21)

Are there any free events coming up which may help to local improvement?

8th November 2021, 10:00-12:00 - Working Together for Change.
Our next Regional Building Positive Futures Programme will focus on co-production and the "working together for change" model which has been used in Central Bedfordshire to co-production their carers strategy with carers and people with lived experience. Please get in touch if you wish to join this session.

9th December 2021, 10:30-16:00 - Working Together to Care.
An event for Carers, Carers Organisations and Commissioners to come together to explore the successes and challenges for carers. For details and booking, please see here: East of England Carers Event - EELGA

Contact details:

Thanks for reading. We will be in touch again soon.

East of England Regional Sector Led Improvement Team