ADASS EAST has twelve local authority areas. Understanding and responding to what matters to people who need or access care and support, their families and carers is at the forefront of our improvement journey. The Directors of Social Services are committed to co-production to help create an adult social care market which enables people to have more choice and control over their support. As a region we have signed up to TLAP’s Making it Real – Think Local Act Personal I/We Statements.

We have also created a space for people who draw on care and support, carers, families, friends, providers and commissioners to come together to have a chat “Over a Brew” on a regular basis to learn about things that are going well and not so well so we can make some positive change, please see here for further details: Over a Brew virtual coffee sessions – Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Eastern Region (

Active Supported Connected Independent

Our priorities

We are working with partners to manage local health and care systems; with providers on care market sustainability and innovative commissioning; and with local authorities on sector-led improvement and financial challenges.

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Example of compelling video stories on a page for 2024/25

Please find some examples of video stories we have recorded over the last year (2024/25) in ADASS East of England region supporting improvement work in adult social care.  Please view and use the links in your local work.  

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