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Example of compelling video stories on a page for 2024/25
Please find some examples of video stories we have recorded over the last year (2024/25) in ADASS East of England region supporting improvement work in adult social care. Please view and use the links in your local work.
Special Carers Over a Brew - emotional and psychological wellbeing
Please find attached a flyer inviting people to a special carers "Over a Brew" event focused on the emotional and psychological well-being of unpaid carers, 3rd March, 11-1pm online. Open to anyone who has an interest in the East of England Adult Social Care delivery.
Over a Brew Write up - Online Self Assessment - November 2024
Please find the write up from the November 2024 "Over a Brew" co-production session which focused on lived experience of online self assessments.
Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Positive developments around Direct Payments - work in Think Local Act Personal - December 2024
Please find a presentation detailing work being undertaken or commencing in partnership with Think Local Act Personal to improve Direct Payment delivery. This presentation was provided as part of the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme on the 12th December 2024.
Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Positive Developments around Direct Payments - Sheffield City Council - December 2024
Please find the presentation from a Regional Building Positive Futures Programme which took place on the 12th December 2024 detailing great work in Sheffield City Council to improve the delivery of Direct Payments
Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - 9th December 2024 - Kent BetterCare Online Self Assessment presentation
Please find a presentation which was provided at the 9th December 2024 Regional Building Positive Futures Programme explaining the great work of Kent CC and the BetterCare online self assessment in partnership with “Looking Local”.
Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - 9th December 2024 - Thurrock designing and delivering a new front door
Please find a presentation provided by Thurrock Borough Council focused around community support, early intervention & prevention and front door operating models. The presentation covers an introduction to Thurrock’s new integrated place-based operating model and case examples, front door access, a way of reaching out to people through talking shops, information marketplaces, local area co-ordination…
Write up - Over a Brew - Smooth Transitions October 2024
Please find the write up from our Over a Brew co-production coffee session which took place on the 30th October 2024 and was focused on "smooth transitions" from children's to adult social care.
Guiding Principles for Intermediate Care November 2024
Please find the link to a set of guiding principles for intermediate care that have been developed jointly across the Eastern Region by ADASS and NHSE. They have been developed as a collaborative process between NHS and Local Authority staff in the Eastern Region with experience in the delivery and commissioning of intermediate care, drawing on best practice and existing guidance and national reviews. Please use this document as a resource to support your work as a system when developing your intermediate care offer – the step up in the community as well as step down from hospital.
Emerging Practice Report - Safeguarding in Adult Social Care - October 2024
We are proud of our collaborative work in the East of England and firmly believe that sharing practice examples across the region is an important part of our sector led improvement work, giving councils and partners the opportunity to learn from each other. For the first time this year, we have brought together some practice examples into a regional report to showcase different aspects of adult safeguarding work highlighting ways that organisations are working together to protect the rights of adults who have care and support needs (and because of those needs, are unable to protect themselves against abuse or neglect or the risk of it) to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
Over A Brew Write Up - Unpaid Carers September 2024
This is the write up from the September 2024 Over a Brew which was focused on the needs of unpaid carers.
Over a Brew Write Up - Coproduction week 2024 - emerging themes
Please find attached, the emerging themes for individual Over a Brew sessions held in local authority areas during co-production week in 2024. Many local authorities engaged in the support offer which was funded by the Regional Sector Led Improvement Programme.