Can the Buurtzorg model work here?

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Brendan Martin, Managing Director, reveals how Buurtzorg Britain & Ireland got started and describes its progress to date.

Insensitive language can undermine people who care

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Katie Clarke and Kate Sibthorp are parent/family carers for Nadia and Maddy. They describe the importance of the language care professionals use, and the how devastating it can be when they get it wrong.

Community Circles – helping people live well

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Community Circles is a national charity that is working with local authorities and other organisations to share knowledge about how circles can help people in a variety of circumstances to live well.

Support brokerage: it’s role in achieving a good life

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This interview with Liz Leach Murphy and Sarah Holmes of Imagineer describes the role of support brokerage in helping people in receipt of health and care services to achieve the good life that they want.

Delivering the benefits of Self-directed Support

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Martin Walker of TLAP describes what self-directed support is and how councils are delivering it. Issac Samuels describes the benefits it can deliver in practice, in his case through direct payments