Carers Over a Brew (online special event) focused on emotional & psychological well-being including the use of Direct Payments – 3rd March 2025, 11-1pm – Booking Link included in description
Monday 3 March @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Please find a link to an “Over a Brew” online special event for carers, carers leads, carers organisations, and families who are seeking or accessing care and support for someone or on someone’s behalf. The event will focus on emotional and psychological well-being for unpaid carers and their needs. It will also cover the role that Direct Payments are or could play. Come and join us for a discussion which will feed into future improvement work across ADASS East via the Carers Leads Network.
Please book here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/curators-of-change/adass-east-and-curators-of-change-over-a-brew-with-a-focus-on-carers/e-lqjgpz