Here is more detail about signing into our website (built on the WordPress platform) that you may want to keep for future reference:
Click Login in top menu:

On the page you are taken to, click ‘lost your password’:

On the Lost Password page, enter the email address you use that is registered with and click ‘Get New Password’:

You will then receive an email from with a link to reset your password. Click the link and in the page you are taken to, either make a note of the suggested password, or replace it with your own and click ‘Save Password’ (Hint: the ‘Generate Password’ button will provide you with a new strong random password if you can’t think of one).

You may now use the login link to return to the login page. Enter your email address and the password you have just saved and click ‘Log In’.
If you want to change your password in the future, go to your account (top right of screen) and choose ‘edit profile’ – scroll down page to ‘set new password’