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Intermediate Care-2024-Hertfordshire-Interviews

Please see for Hertfordshire's interview in regard to Intermediate Care.

Intermediate Care-2024-Essex-Interviews

Please see for Essex's interview in regard to Intermediate Care. 

Intermediate Care-2024-Bedford-Interviews

Please see for Bedford's interview in regard to Intermediate Care. 

Intermediate Care-2024-Central Bedfordshire-Interviews

Please see for the local authority interview in regard to intermediate care.

Publications on a page 2023/24

Please find all our publications on a page over the last year (2023/24) and other work we have done to share and highlight emerging improvement practice. 

What we are proud of report 2023/24

Please find examples of emerging practice we were very proud of during 2023/24 to improve the services but more importantly the outcomes of people who access care and support, families and carers. 

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme 2024/25, Human Learning System, Thurrock Borough Council

Please find the presentation delivered at the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme on the 29th May 2024 focused on the delivery of the Human Learning System in Thurrock Borough Council.

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme 2024/25, Human Learning Systems approach with Toby Lowe

Please find the presentation provided by Toby Lowe at the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme which took place on the 29th May 2024.  The presentation focused on the approach, benefits and challenges for local authority areas.  

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme 2024/25, Human Learning System, Plymouth City Council

Please find a presentation provided at the Regional Building Positive Futures Session delivered on the 29th May 2024 by Gary Wallace, Plymouth City Council focusing on the delivery of "Human Learning Systems".

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Everyone Everywhere - MacIntyre Presentation March 2024

Please find the presentation provided for the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme in March 2024 by MacIntyre Charity in relation to maximising social impact and the "Everyone Everywhere" programme.  

Over a Brew - Regional Challenge Event 15th March 2024

Please find the slide-pack provided at the ADASS East Regional Challenge event on the 15th March 2024.  This includes links to the videos.

Over a Brew Write up - 23rd February 2024 - Freedom to Support

Please find the write up for the February 2024 "Over a Brew" on the theme of "Freedom to Support people".