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Cambridgeshire County Council Commissioning for Better Outcomes - Peer Challenge report 2016

A copy of the July 2016 peer challenge report highlighting the successes and areas for development during a peer review focused on commissioning better outcomes across Cambridgeshire.

Integrated Workforce "I" statements framework

A workforce development and planning toolkit.

Market Relations Protocol for people deemed as being challenging

A framework put together by the East of England to support work in relation to challenging behaviours.

What we are proud of - 2016/17

The Directors across the East and their teams have put together some examples of what they are most proud of across the East during 16/17.

Integrated Commissioning for Better Outcomes

A new integrated commissioning for better outcomes framework launched in April 2018 by the Local Government Association.

What we are proud of - 2017/18

The Directors across the East and their teams have put together some examples of what they are most proud of across the East during 17/18.

High Impact Change Model - Developing good practice in East of England

Report looking at examples of implementing the High Impact Change Model (HICM) across the East of England.

Working better together –A report

A small piece of research highlighting examples of best practice and resourcs across the region/outside the region in relation to preventing hospital admissions.

Working better together - avoiding admissions

A small piece of research highlighting examples of best practice and resources across the region/outside the region in relation to preventing hospital admissions

Reports from the work of the Social Care Innovation Network

Reports from SCIE, SharedLivesPlus, Social Care Futures and TLAP highlighting what needs to change in terms of SDS, re-designing commissioning and Asset based approaches. Reports from both phase I and II.