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Over a Brew write up from the 6 month completed in March 2023

Curators of Change provided feedback to the Putting People at the Heart of Care and Support Working Group on the 14th March 2023 from the 6 month pilot of "Over a Brew" coproduction sessions.  See key themes here.  Directors across the East have agreed to continue with the programme for another year.  The presentation will be built upon with an action plan created by the working group to respond to what people have said.

Transcript of video: Developing a Carers' Strategy

This is a transcript of the video made from the recording of presentations by Essex CC and Suffolk CC at the East of England Carers' event on 6 December 2022

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - The Community Opportunity Fund report 2023

TLAP shared with us "The Community Opportunity Fund" report as part of the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme focused on self directed support and direct payments in February 2023

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Individual Service Funds and workforce satisfaction with Darwin February 2023

Darwin visited the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme in February 2023 which was themed around self directed support and direct payments.  Darwin spoke about Individual Service Funds and staff satisfaction and retention.

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Direct Payments and Technology TLAP February 2023

TLAP shared a presentation at the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme in February 2023 which spoke about different technology to support direct payments.  

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Commissioning pipeline and BAM capacity building in Bristol February 2023

Colleagues from Bristol came to share their work to ensure inclusive commissioning.  The Regional Building Positive Futures Programme session was focused on Self Directed Support including Direct Payments and Individual Service Funds and was held in February 2023

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Making It Real in Leicester February 2023

Colleagues from Leicester attending the Regional Building Positive Futures Programme in February 2023 which was focused on Self Directed Support and Direct Payments to share their work with the Making It Real Board.  

Transcript of video about the unpaid carers’ platform Mobilise

This video is based on a presentation at the Adass East Carers’ event in December 2022. The video is available from the Carers’ Network page

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Working Together for Change - Essex County Council

Essex shares with us their work on Working Together for Change and coproduction in relation to people with sensory impairment and people with autism

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - Working Together for Change in Hertfordshire - Connected Gateway

Hertfordshire describe how they have engaged and implemented the Working Together for Change (coproduction) methodology to improve the gateway into the council.

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme: Working Together for Change - second regional programme overview update Jan 23

Overview of the Working Together for Change Programme - second year - Jan 23

Working Together for Change - Southend's anti-poverty strategy