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Supporting and Developing the workforce for Individual Service Funds - Making self directed support work

A useful guide on Individual Service Funds

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (OP)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (OP)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (LD)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (LD)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Accommodation Services (MH)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Accommodation Services (MH)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Accommodation services (LD)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Accommodation Services (LD)

ADASS East Region Contract schedules for accommodation services (OP)

ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Accommodation Services (OP)

ADASS East Region Contract (v5.8)

ADASS East Terms and Conditions for Social Services.

Mental Health Act Reform Consultation 2021 The region has prepared a response to the MH Act Reform which will be discussed within the next Mental Health Network Meeting

Regional Intelligence Group - Regional Balanced Scorecard 18/19, 19/20 and Q3 20/21 data

Regional Balanced Scorecard for 18/19 and 19/20 and Q3 20/21.

Carers and the Think Local Act Personal Making It Real presentation - June 2021

Presentation provided by TLAP on incorporating Making It Real into Carers Assessment and support planning.

Building Positive Futures Programme - Reaching out and empowering unpaid carers

A graphic of key messages from the Building Positive Futures Programme focused on “reaching out and supporting unpaid carers”.

Building Positive Futures Programme - Individual Service Fund Innovation

A graphic of key messages from the Building Positive Futures Programme focused on “Individual Service Fund Innovation”.