- Resource available to non-registered visitors
- Resource available to registered users only
- Resource limited to members of relevant networks only
Presentation on Digital Action, How (and Why) technology should be part of our social care toolkit
Presentation from Rethink Partners and the LGA on digital technology
Graphic developed on Self-Directed Support
A one page graphic on bringing self-directed support back to its roots
Graphic of key messages explaining the challenges and conditions for success in relation to Carers
A key messages graphic in relation to Carers
Presentation focused on how we can reach out and empower carers
Presentation focused on reaching out and empowering carers
Word cloud on what co-production means to the East of England
Wordcloud expressing what co-production means to the East
Presentation on how to co-produce with communities
Presentation on how to co-produce with communities from NCAG
Presentation Micro-enterprises and Local Area Co-ordination
Presentation on micro-enterprises and local area co-ordination
Presentation on Bringing Self-Directed Support back to its roots
Presentation on Self-directed Support and Direct Payments from TLAP
How Individual Service Funds are transforming commissioning - 2021
Presentation on how individual service funds are transforming commissioning
Individual Service Funds - Making It Happen - A Collaborative approach
A presentation on collaborative ISFs from Devon and New Key
Supporting and Developing the workforce for Individual Service Funds - Making self directed support work
A useful guide on Individual Service Funds
ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (OP)
ADASS East Region Contract Schedules for Community Services (OP)