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Video transcript: Community Circles - helping people live well

Community Circles transcript

Social Care - Charging for Care and Support LAC DHSC 2023/1

Latest social care charging rates.   Changes around personal expenditure allowance & MIG.

Mobilise review of online information and advice to carers across the East of England

EoE review of online information and advice to carers

2021 Homeshare report

Please see the annual 2021 Homeshare report

Video transcript: support brokerage with Imagineer

Imagineer transcript

Sheffield Carers Assessments

Presentation on carers assessments in Sheffield provided at a national meeting 2/2/22

Kirklees carers assessments

Examples of carers assessment work in Kirklees

Portsmouth Carers Breaks

Example of carers breaks in Portmouth

Regional Building Positive Futures Programme - SharedLivesPlus presentation Feb 2022

Opportunities for Shared Lives and HomeShare

Carers Network Meeting Minutes 19th January 2022

Network minutes 19/01/22

Homecare cost of care toolkit guidance and support - published Feb 2022

Please find the Homecare Cost of Care Tool guidance and support document published in February 2022 by the LGA and key partners.  

Homecare cost of care tool published February 2022

Please find the Homecare Cost of Care Tool published in February 2022 by the LGA and key partners.  This Toolkit is aimed to support commissioners and providers to undertake cost of care work, without mandating or specifying the exact focus, criteria or requirements.